Friday, May 15, 2020

How to Find Accomplishments for Your Resume

How to Find Accomplishments for Your Resume Accomplishments, accomplishments, accomplishments. It’s probably been said over a million times Here are 3 Questions to Ask Yourself when You Feel Unaccomplished:1. What’s Gone Wrong? If you’re often described as reliable or dependable, perhaps that’s because you consistently achieve deadlines or productivity goals.Are you described as a motivating or inspiring manager?Maybe you have lifted employee engagement or championed professional development plans that resulted in promotions for team members.Has a boss described you as business-savvy?evalThat probably means you’ve voiced concerns about an approach or provided suggestions to improve the effectiveness of a proposed strategy.On the surface, the words people use to describe you at work often seem vague and impersonal. But, there is a reason behind their word choice â€" something you’ve done has resonated with them in a specific way.3. What do People Come to You For?This one is similar to the question above, but I’ve found it can often help clients uncover new information. Think about why co-workers stop at your desk â€" instead of someone else’s. Colleagues asking you for help has probably become so common, you fail to notice the value you’re adding. Becoming a go-to resource is evidence that you’ve become a highly-valuable expert.Do you interpret complex policies or procedures? Does your boss always seem to tap you when there’s a project that requires quick turnaround? Are the “problem” clients always assigned to you? Are you frequently invited to help finalize a contract or close a sale? Are you the default presenter/public speaker on your team?Now, how did you become this known expert? You must have done something right, multiple times, to earn your reputation. Those incidents, are seriously impactful accomplishments to include on your resume. The reputation you’ve built in the workplace, is a big part of your brand. And, the best part is, if you market yourself on these types of accomplishments, others will naturally reinforce this brand for you (references, LinkedIn endorsements, sponsor comments, etc.).Still drawing a blank?Dig-up those old performance reviews â€" some of the best accomplishment gems I’ve helped clients uncover have come from long-forgotten appraisals. You may also consider booking some time with a career coach or resume writer, who can ask the kind of probing questions that will launch your self-discovery in the right direction.

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