Monday, May 25, 2020

Female Entrepreneurs By The Numbers - Classy Career Girl

Female Entrepreneurs By The Numbers According to the 2012 U.S. Census, women own 36% of all businesses, which is a 30% jump from 6% in 2007.  18% of startups have at least 1 female founder. Globally, Women-owned entities in the formal sector represent approximately 37% of enterprises, which translates to  126 million women starting or running businesses and 98 million female-operating established (over three and a half years) businesses. That’s 224 million women impacting the global economy, and this is in only 67 of 188 countries recognized by the World Bank, according to  Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). Female Entrepreneurship in the U.S. Women are starting 1200 businesses per day.  Four out of 10 new firms are now started by women.  Women start companies at 1.5x the average rate in the US, and there are currently 9 million+ women-owned companies in the US. U.S. women entrepreneurs say theyre 3x happier than non-business owning women. What Female Entrepreneurs Need: 48% of female founders (almost half) cite a lack of available mentors or advisers as holding them back. However, only a third say lack of capital is a constraint. [RELATED: 8 Reasons Why Women Excel As Entrepreneurs] According to the Harvard Business Review there are 126 million women entrepreneurs impacting the global economy and that number is expected to grow exponentially in the years to come. Women are starting 1200 businesses per day and there is absolutely nothing stopping you from doing it too. Facebook has acquired information from over 1.2 billion people and you have access to each of these people online now. You don’t have to invest millions in Superbowl commercials and feel like you can’t compete with the big guys. Everything has changed and it is so much easier to start a business these days. Now is your time girl! There is no more waiting and thinking. But heres a much more important stat I want you to know. Women entrepreneurs in the US rank their happiness at nearly 3 times that of women who are not entrepreneurs or established business owners. Do you need a little more happiness in your work life? The goal of our upcoming free training series is simple, to equip you with a proven plan, a plan that makes getting out of bed and going to work fun and not feel like work. This plan will give you more freedom to travel, hang out with your kids, check off those things on your bucket list and take care of yourself and your family. It’s about reducing the stress of starting a business and having a step-by-step action plan helping you along the way so you can be the woman you dream of becoming in this lifetime, contribute to charities, start your own foundation, build schools in Africa or just be present and spend quality time with you kids in the comfort of your home at 2pm in the afternoon to sing nursery rhymes rather than stuck in a cubicle. This is about living your purpose, making a lasting impact on this world and leaving a legacy. And the more you do that, the more you will inspire others and use your gifts and talents in the world to make a difference. Are you ready to make this happen? We will be sharing the entire Startup Blueprint at The Freedom Workshop starting on December 29th!!  Sign up here.

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