Friday, July 3, 2020

How Technology is Replacing Humans And Taking Our Jobs - Melissa Llarena

How Technology is Replacing Humans And Taking Our Jobs How Technology is Replacing Humans And Taking Our Jobs Workplace efficiency has grown exponentially due to technological updates driving companies to the next level. We’ve become faster problem solvers and worldwide communicators at the click of a button. But, as technological capabilities have grown, so have their power to replace us.No longer are qualified, human candidates your only competition for the full-time job you seek. Instead, you are competing against the ever-growing power of technology. How can it be that technology trumps human traits in the workplace? Technology is limited and dependent on commands and programming to effectively solve problems â€" lacking a basic human capability of personal understanding and empathy. Or so it seems. But, it will not be like this for long.It was predicted that there will be a “net loss of more than 5 million jobs across 15 developed nations by 2020.” This grim trend means only one thing â€" the value of proving yourself invaluab le at your next interview has skyrocketed. You must treat any interaction with an HR representative or a next-round interview as a moment that cannot be wasted. The industries where technology is taking overThe development of chatbots and novel interactive robotic companions continues to grow, especially in the healthcare industry. AI researchers are building human perspectives into robots, making their human-like capabilities more sophisticated. Healthcare companies intend for their interactive robots to serve as “coaches” who have regular conversations with patients as a strategy to increase overall care. Didn’t a human use  to do this?Technology has also replaced the need for physicians to be present to review x-ray records and make diagnoses. Your medical chart can be sent anywhere around the world and analyzed by a doctor whom you may never see face-to-face. Doesn’t this mean less need for doctors?What about automated cars? Or drones that deliver goods to your front doo rstep? Soon enough, the car driving beside you will not have a driver. Testing for driverless cars has already taken effect in Pittsburgh and Phoenix, and plans to test in NYC are not far behind. Additionally, Salesforce and other CRM sales tools are replacing the need for account executives and assistants. Before, humans were irreplaceable in making intelligent sales recommendations. But now human-run sales teams have been replaced by sophisticated digital applications. Patient care, driving cars, utilizing salespeople to determine strategic next steps â€" these used to be the assumed jobs of humans. Technology is replacing the need for humans and adding to the economies of scale. Where companies used to need five people to accomplish a task, now only one person is needed. Are you ready to compete with technology at your next interview? So what does competing against technology mean to you, the job candidate?In the simplest of terms, it means the value of every interview is HIGHER, so you must confidently take your one shot. To do so effectively, there are specifics you need to know. But first, can you answer these two questions? In a world where it used to take five people to do a job, and now it only takes one, you have to fight to be that one. Nailing the answers to these questions can set you up to win.Why do you want this role in particular?Why do you want to work for this company?    Can you articulate confidently the answer to these questions? Your answers must make you stand-out so much that you prove technology could never replace you. What is it about the role that has you already developing ideas on how to grow and improve?What is it about the company that draws you in â€" to the point that you can’t imagine yourself working anywhere else? What can you tell your HR representative that compels him or her to send you to the next round?The HR screener dictates whether or not you will move on to the next interview with managers or directors. Maximize your time with HR to prove that you are more than qualified for this job.Preparing for this is key. You must align your prep efforts to focus on the more influential factors to HR, so they see you as someone keenly in touch with and focused on the things that matter to them. You should understand the mind of the HR interviewer and what they are thinking, so you can answer as if you were inside their heads when they ask the questions. With the influx of technological alternatives, it’s more important now than ever to secure their internal endorsement. HR is charged with being the business partners who know how to source and identify the best human talent for their place of business.Regardless who or what you are up against, it is critical you present yourself as indispensable. You can ensure your move to round 2 by downloading my eBook where I detail the 10 things that HR is thinking about YOU and learn how to sell your skills to the one person who will decide whether you are stay ing or leaving.Stay tuned, on Wednesday at 1 pm EST I will do a live Facebook video discussing best strategies for taking on technology before technology takes all the jobs. I’ll see you then.

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