Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Why you should revamp your resume before the summer is over

Why you should revamp your resume before the summer is overWhy you should revamp your resume before the summer is overCan you believe that its already July? Not even the beginning of July, but mid July? It seems like the summer is flying by, and before you know it, well be heading into fall and the holiday season. Its always better to work on your resume sooner rather than later, which is just one reason why you should revamp your resume before the summer is over.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreHave you ever stumbled upon an opportunity too great to pass up, only to find out that you need to apply for it as quick as possible? People find themselves in this situation more often that one might expect, and if you dont have your resume updated and on pranke, it could create a big problem.89% of Glassdoor users are actively looking for a new job or would consider better opportunities . If youre one of the majority, this reason alone is why you should revamp your resume before the summer is over. If that isnt enough, here are a few other factors that might persuade you to update this important document.You never know what will happen or who youll meetPart of further developing your career is about being open to new opportunities and networking with the right people when you have the chance.You never know who youll meet or where youll meet them, but if you do meet a person with a connection, being proactive and having a killer resume to send them right away will greatly benefit you.If you want to cultivate relationships and establish trust, communicate clearly and in a timely manner. This means having a resume ready and on hand with all of your updated information. If someone feels as though they are waiting on you or have to hunt you down to get a hold of your resume, their interest will likely wane.Its much easier to add information as you go than remember infor mation about past jobsOne of the biggest problems people make when writing s resume is not including specific metrics or achievements.Subjective terms and clichs are seen as negative because they dont convey real information. For instance, dont say you are results-driven show the employer your actual results, says Rosemary Haefner, previous vice president of human resources at CareerBuilder.It is absolutely important to highlight the specifics of your role, however if youre only highlighting the job description and not your achievements, your resume will not be as effective as it could be. (Read this article to help you craft the perfect job description for your resume)The longer you wait to update your resume, the harder it will be to recall specific information and achievements about your current or past job(s).A good rule of thumb is to add a new job to your resume right as you start. Chances are you will have a job description given to you by HR, which will make it easy, and wil l help you out immensely in the long run.Same thing with new responsibilities and skills adding them into your document as they come along ensures that you wont forget about them later.You can always edit your resume to be more clear and concise, but finding previous material, descriptions, and project information is much harder. The sooner you start working on your resume, the easier it will be.Revamping your resume doesnt automatically mean that youre not happy in your current roleThere seems to be a stigma that you must be unhappy where you are if you are working on your resume, however this is absolutely not the case. Being proactive about your resume will benefit you by preparing you for the unknown, and giving you a leg up when the time does come for a new opportunity.Ensuring that youre ready for new opportunities when they arise is one of the reasons why you should revamp your resume before the summer is over.Writing about yourself if tough. Its hard to remember and highligh t specific information that reflects all youve achieved, but biting the bullet and revamping your resume is key to a successful career.It might not be your ideal way to spend the evening, but you should revamp your resume before the summer is over so that you can feel confident in the document you have on hand, and be prepared going into fall in case your dream opportunity arises.Michele Lando is a certified professional resume writer, personal branding expert, and founder of Write Styles. She has a passion for helping others present the best version of themselves both on paper and in person, and works to polish individuals application package and personal style. Aiming to help create a perfect personal branding package, Write Styles provides resources to enhance your resume, professional appearance, and boost your confidence. Michele strives to help others gain the confidence to put their best foot forward in a personal and professional light.This article first appeared on Write St yles.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

7 New Job Search Trends Youll Want to Know

7 New Job Search Trends Youll Want to Know7 New Job Search Trends Youll Want to KnowAs work flexibility and technology continues to grow and change the workplace, job seekers will find new job search trends that are taking over old methods. From ditching geographical restrictions to spending mora time making informal but close connections, job seekers can stay ahead of the game by keeping their eye on emerging trends. Some of the hottest trends taking the job market by storm are listed below.Here are seven new job search trends youll want to start applying to your search1. Remote WorkIts no secret that remote work continues to grow, and the growth is triggering significant changes in the workforce. Rather than base your search on your geographical area, use remote work and work flexibility to expand your search. Even if the job isnt advertised as being flexible, the company might be and likely willing to work with you.2. Social Media Job SearchingWe all know that social media is esse ntial in a job search, especially for networking and getting your information in front of recruiters. Now, however, social media is become a popular platform for searching for new jobs as companies use social media more to share their open orts.3. Informal NetworkingSure, networking events are still very useful when job searching. However, more informal forms of networking are going to take over. Rather than spending hours at large events, youll likely catch coffee with former coworkers, send out emails, or offer support through social media.4. Video CommunicationWith people located all over the world and the increase in remote working, video communication platforms are going to take over more traditional forms of communication. Interviews, even with local companies, might be held over video. The same goes with chats with coworkers as you all participate in flexible work programs.5. Reverse Reference ChecksJob seekers provide references, and employers are checking them out. Part of these new job search trends is the use of reverse reference checks of companies performed by job seekers. Rather than taking a firms word on the job, culture, and environment, job seekers are now looking to gather information through other means, including talking to current or prior employees of the company.6. Importance of SkillsIn a workforce that has become flatter in terms of management, skills are gaining new influence. Rather than only focusing on the experience and education you have, employers will be looking at skills that can be used in the position you applied for and how they can be used elsewhere.7. Design Your CareerJob seekers have more control over their careers now than they ever have before. Rather than taking a job because it pays well, professionals are able to find a job they enjoy with a company that matches their values and personality. Heres a secret employers support this since they too are looking for that perfect fit.In addition to work flexibility and te chnology driving the job market, so are the companies that are embracing new ways of work and the professionals looking to find meaning and balance in their lives. As you conduct your search, keep the these job search trends in mind to make the most of your time and efforts.Wondering which companies are offering work flexibility? Check out the top 100 companies offering remote jobs.Readers, what other job search trends have you heard of or used? Share your job search tips with us below

Saturday, December 21, 2019

These are the 10 habits of unlikeable people

These are the 10 habits of unlikeable peopleThese are the 10 habits of unlikeable peopleToo many people succumb to the mistaken belief that being likeable comes from natural, unteachable traits that belong only to a lucky few - the good looking, the fiercely social, and the incredibly talented. Its easy to fall prey to this misconception. In reality, being likeable is under your control, and its a matter of emotional intelligence (EQ).In a study conducted at UCLA, subjects rated over 500 descriptions of people based on their perceived significance to likeability. The top-rated descriptors had nothing to do with being gregarious, intelligent, or attractive (innate characteristics). Instead, the top descriptors were sincerity, transparency, and capable of understanding (another person).These adjectives, and others like them, describe people who are skilled in the social side of emotional intelligence. TalentSmart research data from mora than a million people shows that people who poss ess these skills arent just highly likeable they outperform those who dont by a large margin.Ladders is now on SmartNewsDownload the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.Likeability is so critical to your success at work that it can completely alter your performance. A University of Massachusetts study found that managers were willing to accept an auditors argument with no supporting evidence if he or she was likeable, and Jack Zenger found that just 1 in 2,000 unlikeable leaders were considered effective by their colleagues.Being likeable is as much about avoiding behaviors that decrease your likeability as it is about magnifying those that increase it. To help you with this, I did some digging to uncover the key behaviors that hold people back when it comes to likeability. Make certain these behaviors dont catch you by surprise.Name-droppingIts great to know important and interesting people, but using every conversatio n as an opportunity to name-drop is pretentious and silly. Just like humble-bragging, people see right through it. Instead of making you look interesting, it makes people feel as though youre insecure and overly concerned with having them like you. It also cheapens what you have to offer. When you connect everything you know with whoyou know (instead of what you know or what you think), conversations lose their color.People are averse to those who are desperate for attention. Simply being friendly and considerate is all you need to win people over. When you speak in a friendly, confident, and concise manner, people are much more attentive and persuadable than if you try to show them that youre important. People catch on to your attitude quickly and are more attracted to the right attitude than who you know.Emotional hijackingsMy company provides 360 feedback assessments, and we come across far too many instances of people throwing things, screaming, making people cry, and other tell tale signs of an emotional hijacking. An emotional hijacking demonstrates low emotional intelligence. As soon as you show that level of instability, people will question whether or not youre trustworthy and capable of keeping it together when it counts.Exploding at anyone, regardless of how much they might deserve it, turns a huge amount of negative attention your way. Youll be labeled as unstable, unapproachable, and intimidating. Controlling your emotions keeps you in the drivers seat. When youre able to control your emotions around someone who wrongs you, they end up looking bad instead of you.Humble-braggingWe all know those people who like to brag about themselves behind the mask of self-deprecation. For example, the gal who makes fun of herself for being a nerd when she really wants to draw attention to the fact that shes smart or the guy who makes fun of himself for having a strict diet when he really wants you to know how healthy and fit he is. While many people think that s elf-deprecation masks their bragging, everyone sees right through it. This makes the bragging all the more frustrating, because it isnt just bragging its also an attempt to deceive.Whipping out your phoneNothing turns someone off to you like a mid-conversation text glaubenszeugnis or even a quick glance at your phone. When you commit to a conversation, focus all of your energy on the conversation. Youll find that conversations are more enjoyable and effective when you immerse yourself in them.Having a closed mindIf you want to be likeable, you must be open-minded, which makes you approachable and interesting to others. No one wants to have a conversation with someone who has already formed an opinion and is unwilling to listen. Having an open mind is crucial in the workplace, where approachability means access to new ideas and help. To eliminate preconceived notions and judgment, you need to see the world through other peoples eyes. This doesnt require that you believe what they bel ieve or condone their behavior it simply means that you quit passing judgment long enough to truly understand what makes them tick.Not asking enough questionsThe biggest mistake people make in conversation is being so focused on what theyre going to say next or how what the other person is saying is going to affect them that they fail to hear whats being said. The words come through loud and clear, but the meaning is lost. A simple way to avoid this is to ask a lot of questions. People like to know youre listening, and something as simple as a clarification question shows that not only are you listening but that you also care about what theyre saying. Youll be surprised how much respect and appreciation you gain just by asking questions.Being too seriousPeople gravitate toward those who are passionate. That said, its easy for passionate people to come across as too serious or uninterested, because they tend to get absorbed in their work. Likeable people balance their passion for the ir work with their ability to have fun. At work they are serious, yet friendly. They still get things done because they are socially effective in short amounts of time and they capitalize on valuable social moments. They focus on having meaningful interactions with their coworkers, remembering what people said to them yesterday or last week, which shows people that they are just as important to them as their work is.GossipingPeople make themselves look terrible when they get carried away with gossiping. Wallowing in talk of other peoples misdeeds or misfortunes may end up hurting their feelings if the gossip ever finds its way to them, but gossiping is guaranteed to make you look negative and spiteful every time.Sharing too much, too earlyWhile getting to know people requires a healthy amount of sharing, sharing too much about yourself right off the bat comes across wrong. Be careful to avoid sharing personal problems and confessions too quickly. Likeable people let the other person guide them as to when its the right time for them to open up. Over-sharing comes across as self-obsessed and insensitive to the balance of the conversation. Think of it this way if youre getting into the nitty gritty of your life without learning about the other person first, youre sending the message that you see them as nothing more than a sounding board for your problems.Sharing too much on social mediaStudies have shown that people who over-share on social media do so because they crave acceptance, but the Pew Research Center has revealed that this over-sharing works against them by making people dislike them. Sharing on social media can be an important mode of expression, but it needs to be done thoughtfully and with some self-control. Letting everyone know what you ate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner along with how many times you walked your dog today will do much more harm than good when it comes to likeability.Bringing it all togetherWhen you build your awareness of how yo ur actions are received by other people, you pave the way to becoming more likeable.This article first appeared on LinkedIn.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Theyre not responding to your resume Heres why.

Theyre not responding to your resume Heres why.Theyre not responding to your resume Heres why.You see that ad and immediately say to yourself, Ive done pretty much that exact job before. So, you apply, confident. How could you NOT get a response? Every qualification practically reads like your resume.But inevitablycomes that deafening silenceIf you dont understand whats going on, youre not the only one. Im going to tell you a little secret the ATS doesnt understand whats going on with YOU.Thats right the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) the scanning technology that the majority of employers now use to robo-screen resumes, doesnt understand whats on your resume, and therefore, is kicking you outquickly.You must be ATS-ready. Do not underestimate the importance of this. Otherwise, your resume will end up in that great black hole that is the Internet. So, lets go over the ATS resume strategy you need in reservierung to increase the likelihood of actually getting a human being to respond to you.Keywords Are CriticalHeres where the very 1st problem lies candidates tend too often to think fake, filler keywords are real keywords. I need you to back away from being, detail-focused, and results-oriented, with good communication skills.Instead, step up and embrace what it is you REALLY do that makes a difference for your next employer. If youre in operations management, for example, perhaps what you do excellently time and again has to do with driving, efficiency improvement, optimizing production, and increasing, SLA attainment.Then, make sure to match those keywords with how they are expressed in the ad for the job youre targeting. For example, if the ad calls for someone with proven performance optimizing efficiency, then thats how you need to express that in the resume, instead of efficiency improvement.Simplicity Is EssentialThe ATS resume is not where you want to be a proud peacock it doesnt matter how pretty your resume is. In fact, Ill just tell you right now thi ngs are about to get quite ugly.All the bold, italics, colors, and every other fancy thing you have on the Word version of your resume thats got to go. leid some of it. Not all of it exceptALL of it.Your ATS resume needs to read like a text document. While its not the most visually appealing thing in the world, release yourself of the need for beauty, and embrace the reality that this completely non-formatted version is what will make it through the ATS scanner without being kicked back immediately.(Wrong) Formatting Is FatalYou have to keep things simple for an ATS, because it only understands simple things. Bullets are blaring. Columns are confusing. Tables are terrible.In a Word resume, you may want to position your experience inside a table. However, when you do that on an ATS resume, the ATS literally cannot see entire chunks of information you put inside that table.Right now, you have the foundation. But did you know that when you put Highlights of Experience on your resume, youre still killing your chances? Thats coming up in part 2.ATS Express is an all-new feature in my full erreichbar job search master class, 5 Game-Changing Job Search Hacks for the 50+ Job Hunter. Register to see a live demonstration of an ATS transformation, so you can grab your screen shots and make sure yours is correct. And your resume may be selected for ATS Express

Thursday, December 12, 2019

What You Should Know About a Midlife Career Change

What You Should Know About a Midlife Career ChangeWhat You Should Know About a Midlife Career ChangeTransitioning to a new career can be difficult at any age, but making a midlife career change comes with additional challenges. For many reasons, changing your career when you are in your 40s and 50s is much harder than doing it when you are in your 20s or 30s. When you are middle-aged, you have more responsibilities, like a mortgage and your childrens college tuition, to consider. You may be hesitant to risk a stable career for something uncertain. Before you make a move, get all the facts about any occupation you are considering. Think about doing an adult internship to immerse yourself in a new career before making a commitment. After spending, at least, a couple of decades in one career, you may have an established reputation. It will be hard to start at the bottom again. Here are fivethings you should think about before you make a midlife career change. 1. How Much Education an d Training Will You Need? You may have chosen a new career that requires very little retraining. If you can simply transfer your current skills to your new occupation without having to acquire any new ones, all you will have to focus on is your job search. When you are looking toward entering a career that requires a whole new skillset, however, you will probably have to go back to school or undergo some other kind of training. Are you willing to put your energy into it? How long will it be until you can actually start working? When you are in your 20s, or even your 30s, that may not be a big concern, since you have many years ahead of you to work. If you are in your 40s or 50s, you must ask yourself how long you want to keep working. Will you have to spend a great deal of time training for a career that you will only work in for a short time? Will the return on your investment be sufficient? 2. Can You Withstand the Financial Costs of a Career Change? A careerchange can be co stly. If you have to continue your education, tuition is very expensive. Even if you can afford it, balancing work and school can be difficult. You may have to cut your hours at your job to complete school in a timely fashion. Are you ready for a pay cut? A new career often means starting at the bottom. That could come with a much lowersalary than the one you are currently earning. 3. Do You Have Your Familys Support? Going through a major transition like a midlife career change requires alot of support from those around you. If your family isnt on board, it will be difficult to succeed in this endeavor. Before you embark on such a big change, talk to your spouse and children. Everyone will have to pitch in to make this transformation possible. There may be less disposable income for doing things like taking vacations and buying new things. Your spare time will be taken up with preparing for your new career. Family members may have to help with household chores. 4. What Is t he Typical Age of People Working in the Field You Are Considering? Some industries are filled with very young workers. The only people even near midlife, may be those in management. Will they be willing to hire you for an entry-level position if you are in your 40s or 50s?Sure, age discrimination is illegal, as it should be but that doesnt stop those in dienstgrad of hiring from committing it. Your only recourse will be to file charges against those employers who refuse to hire you. That is probably not what you had in mind when you decided to embark on a career change. You wanted to enter a new career, not a battle.Before you move forward, thoroughly investigate the occupation you are considering and the industry or industries that would employ you. Talk to people who work in it to find out if you have a decent chance of getting hired. 5. How Long Will It Take to Become Established in Your Desired Career? When you begin a new career, your first job will likely be an entry-leve l one. After doing that for a year or two, you will probably be able to apply for a higher level position. Your prior work experience might help you advance faster than your much younger colleagues who are just starting out, but it may not. Your experience in this new career may be all that counts. It may take quite some time until youare able to do the type of work you wanted to when you made the decision to switch to this career. Ask yourself if you will be satisfied with that. Your answer may depend on how far away you are from the age you want to retire.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

How to Build a Great Resume Tips

How to Build a Great Resume Tips When applying for most jobs, you would incorporate all your previous work experience, no matter whether its pertinent to your present career objectives. You Must Revamp Your Resume in the New Year if you prefer to receive the type of job you would like. You have an immense number of choices now to earn a professional looking resume for yourself. You may go on reading in the event that you do not understand how to write one which is very professional and also will get you quite quite a few jobs. Even if youre not trying to find a new job its advisable to keep your resume updated because you cant ever know when the perfect opportunity will come up. A CV should also incorporate any other details about you that is related to the job which youre applying for. While there are numerous expert CV and resume writing services available on the web, and theyll certainly do the task for you, it is going to cost you to get it written for you in particular. I f you do want to modify career or are searching for a new job all you want to have is a resume. Today an increasing number of people are trying to find jobs online, and as a consequence theyre also applying for jobs online. Be prepared to make a smart, strong, succinct case for why you deserve to get considered for the job that youre after. For searching a job resume is a significant tool which is necessary. A Secret Weapon for How to Build a Great Resume Put yourself in somebody elses place and imagine that youve got to sort through a whole lot of unique resumes. If you receive an idea about How to compose a resume. Theres no opportunity to be spineless and search for an excuse not to do what you know you have to do. Be certain to look at their credentials and background so that you are able to make sure that youre getting resume writing help from somebody who is aware of what he or shes referring to. The Advantages of How to Build a Great Resume Some employers search fo r freshmen as prospective employees, since it suits a few of their criteria. To receive your facts together once you write your CV, it will help to know precisely what is wanted and expected by both employers and recruiters. Possessing a resume that catches the interest of prospective employees is important. You could add the job only as long as you have the ability to fulfill the employers with your resume. There are lots of sites which offers a Resume builder facility. When you use a desktop program, youre able to search thousands of sites simultaneously. Another benefit of utilizing a resume template is the fact that it assists in following a specific standard. Benefits of Resume Templates The templates are helpful because it is going to help you to make a professional resume even in the event you dont have the idea about formatting a customized resume that may incorporate all the crucial info. How to Choose How to Build a Great Resume You may see the full resume here. Then a functional resume format could become your ticket to another career. A lot of them have letters, a few of which are quite long. Many are easy to use, just fill-in-the-blanks and your resume is prepared to print. Introducing How to Build a Great Resume While showing off can be hard to do, it is truly critical for standing outand continuing through the procedure to land a consulting interview. The skills a chronological resume may not have the capacity to highlight are ready to be emphasized in a functional resume. Do your homework and find out more about the organization. Developing a nursing resume is difficult, notably since there are not any rules. How to Get Started with How to Build a Great Resume? There arent any set rules to writing a resume but theres certain information thats regarded as essential that needs to be included. Regardless of what template you use, attempt to make your qualifications distinctive too. Dont compose a laundry list of all of the t hings youre prepared to do. Actually, resume templates are a simple means to create a resume. As soon as you have written a draft, using your experience and the suitable template, you want to settle back and take an objective look at it. To begin with, it must be able to generate a jaw-dropping summary at the summit of page one. A resume is a significant tool which provides a crystal clear picture about your potentials to the prospective employer so that it is very important that the resume ought to be short containing all the crucial details in connection with the post for which youve applied. If youre searching for a free resume template its probably likely to be in your very best interest to take what you like from a couple of different examples and, create your own customized resume template that youll be in a position to easily merge with your present content.

Monday, December 2, 2019

How to hang onto your employees

How to hang onto your employees How to hang onto your employeesPosted October 13, 2011, by Josie Chun With a recent survey revealing that more employees are starting to look at greener pastures, it is more important than ever for employers to look at ways of retaining their staff. With 87 per cent of employees wanting to continue to develop their careers with their current employer, its obvious that most people dont even want to leave but feel it is necessary because they dont feel secure in their jobs or dont feel that there is enough opportunity for career growth. To a large extent, this represents a failure of communication on the part of employers, rather than an accurate reflection of reality. Changing priorities for employees Job priorities have changed in the wake of the economic downturn, with job security and opportunities for career development emerging as top priorities for most employees, according to the latest L.E.A.D. (Leadership Employment and Direction) Survey White Paper. The top five influences on employee performance as of achter monat des jahres 2009 were 1. Reasonable salary/pay (ranked 4th in August 2008) 2. Job security (ranked 11th in August 2008) 3. Interesting/challenging work (ranked 6th in August 2008) 4. Being entrusted with responsibility (ranked 2nd in August 2008) 5. Flexible work arrangements (ranked 7th in August 2008) The top five factors for staying with an organisation were 1. Salary increases 2. Opportunities for career development 3. Opportunities for training and development 4. Flexible work hours 5. Special arrangements to suit their lifestyle What employers can do to engage and retain their staff The most essential ingredient in being able to bring out the best in people is to build trust, according to the L.E.A.D. survey report Trust that leaders have a plan (certainty) Trust in the plan (familiarity) Trust that the plan will protect the interests of the organisation and its people (confidence and empathy) Trust tha t people are being fully informed and can recognise their role and play their part (communication and responsibility-sharing) Trust that their leader has their best interests at heart (loyalty) Trust breeds loyalty and is crucial in engaging workers to adopt strategies for the future, and most people have a high degree of trust in their leaders. But only those organisations that reward that trust, demonstrate inclusiveness and fulfil their peoples needs will thrive. Leaders need to understand their employees needs, communicate with them and involve them in the development of both organisational and personal plans, as recommended in the L.E.A.D. report. This creates engagement, ownership, commitment and connection, both within individuals and throughout the organisation. Top priorities for employers should therefore be to Communicate with your employees and solicit their input, suggestions and help on how to best move forward and achieve your organisational goals and strategies S et new strategies to best navigate through current challenges Share and discuss the vision, goals and strategy of your organisation regularly and with employees at all levels not just those at the top Invest time in reassuring your people that you see them as a part of the future and demonstrate your commitment to their personal and professional growth Intelligent employers will realise time spent reassuring their people about the future (their roles, the organisations goals and strategies and why they should hang tough in tough times) is now the most potent force to influence performance and retain quality employees, says Grant Sexton, chief executive of Leadership Management Australasia, which conducted the L.E.A.D. survey.Management ResourcesOperations manager sample resumeOperations manager sample cover letterCareer Insider StoriesJustin Hillberg - General Manager at SurfStitchArsalan Ali - Woolworths Trainee ManagerBelinda Lyone - COS General ManagerInterested in becoming a?Hu man Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searchesgovernment funded courses in small business managementdiploma frontline managementhow to become a body corporate manager in australiafacilities management coursesmaintenance management trainingManagement CoursesBachelor of Construction ManagementEnquire Online Enquire OnlineAdvanced Diploma of Leadership and ManagementEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Applied Business (Management)Enquire Online Enquire OnlineGraduate Certificate in Business AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineJosie ChunRelated ArticlesBrowse moreWORKFORCE TRENDSTrustworthy and open managers are most valuedTrustworthiness and openness are now seen as the most important characteristics of a good manager, according to the latest L.E.A.D. (Leadership, Employment and Direction) Survey.BusinessEMPLOYER RESOURCESManaging your business workforce is key to survivalThe economic slowdown has forced many busine sses to take a good hard look at themselves how they operate, their business models, and how their employees perform.CAREER ADVICEManagement5 Preparation Strategies for First-Time ManagersBecoming a new manager is as challenging as it is exciting. See our 5 tips to help you hit the ground running and ensure your management style works well